MediTox s.r.o.


EU Framework Programmes

Selected projects:

MuLeVaClin: Clinical Studies on a Multivalent Vaccine for Human Visceral Leishmaniasis

Participating countries: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Norway, Russia, Switzerland

UniVax: “Universal” Influenza Vaccine through Synthetic, Dendritic Cell-Targeted, Self-Replicating RNA Vaccines

Participating countries: Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland

HELICOVAXOR: Development of an Oral Helicobacter Pylori Vaccine

Participating countries: United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Irland, Sweden, Switzerland

MOTIF: Microbicide Optimization Through Innovative Formulation for Vaginal and Rectal Delivery

Participating countries: United Kingdom (King´s College London), Czech Republic, France, Italy, USA

CHIMERIC VACCINES: Development of influenza delNS1 virus as a vector for foreign antigens

Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia , Slovenia

SARS/FLU VACCINE:Development of a combined Influenza/SARS Vaccine

Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Slovenia

FLUVACC: Live attenuated replication-defective influenza vaccine)

Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Slovenia

H5 VACCINE: Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of intranasal delNS1/H5N1 influenza vaccine

Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom

ANTIFLU: Innovative anti-influenza drugs excluding viral escape

Participating countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Israel, The Nethelrands, United Kingdom

OSTEOGROW: Novel bone morphogenetic protein-6 biocompatible carrier device for bone regeneration

Participating countries: Croatia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Sweden

FLUniversal: Intranasal, rapid acting universal influenza vaccine

Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, The Netherland, UK

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Selected projects:

TE01020028 - CDOD: Center for Development of Original Drugs

Participants: IOCB CAS, Apigenex, MediTox, FGI CAS, IMTM, Quinta-Analytica, IEM CAS, ICHT

TA01011466 - BIOMEDTEST: Biomedical models of traumatic spinal cord injury and neurodegenerative diseases in miniature pigs for testing of new therapeutic approaches

Participants: MediTox s.r.o., Institute of animal Physiology and Genetics CAS